- Parker Palmer

I'm feeling lucky. I work with so many gifted and talented colleagues who keep my heart open. And as we approach Thanksgiving this year I can honestly say they are a large part of what keeps me going in challenging times.
I recently told a colleague that as a teacher I sometimes feel like my cat. I appreciate a kind word about my work with my students from time to time the same way he needs a little love and attention. I guess I was kind of complaining that I never hear anything positive from administrators who are my bosses- thinking they don't value my efforts much. Listening carefully, my friend let me finish and then shared with me some things my tired heart had missed about my administrative team and their reactions to work we all did. Before I knew it, a simple conversation I began as a bit of a gripe session blossomed into an hour and a half of mentoring and sharing work and ideas. It was time spent that I definitely needed.
And I didn't just get some much needed attention from CRL. I have had time recently to talk with many colleagues. I've talked to Joseph and Jess and Liz and everyday with Cass. I've talked some with Wendy and Pat and Kath too. And all of these conversations have done my worn heart good. They've come at a time when I needed them.
Like so many educators, we're constantly in a state of change. We're constantly trying new resources and being asked to tweak and change systems to better serve our students. And it gets overwhelming. The work sometimes makes me feel alone with my struggle to keep up and provide quality lessons for students. I guess that's why I feel like my cat- a little positive attention can go a long way to keep hearts going and purring and happy.
Truthfully, I certainly still have plenty to sing about when it comes to student growth. But when I get tired and worn, I have a hard time singing about it alone. I need the help of others to help me hit the high notes.
We see so much good change happening with our kids. and many of the conversations we're trying to have in our PLC speak to that good growth and to seeing how many students we work with appear to be further ahead than ever. So our work has impact, it does pay off. And yet as teachers we know we can't sit still or we'll lose the momentum. So we keep rebuilding, keep changing, keep thinking, keep doing. We feel like we have to keep practicing to make the melodies magical.
But sometimes we get tired and the music doesn't flow. This year I got tired earlier than usual. I don't generally start feeling worn until mid- winter. So I'm grateful to have found some colleagues this week and to have gotten some of their positive reinforcement and listening ears. It made a huge difference. Conversation matters.
Moving into Thanksgiving break its easy to identify who I'm thankful for at school. I'm grateful for a community of colleagues who share my strongholds and believe in our work. They truly keep my heart open and alive with the kindness and affirmations I needed to help me help students continuously improve and grow (especially when I'm feeling tired).
This week I feel like I'm not singing alone, but as part of a mighty chorus- and I'm grateful.

I have been in the same place several times this school year. I consider it the ebb and flow of education. You wrote so many smart lines that I couldn't just lift one because several spoke to my heart. I hope you have a restful and rejuvenating Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteThere is pressure from the 'outside' too which may weigh you down. I'm glad you had that first conversation and it seems that it carried on into others, too. I love this that your wrote: "I need the help of others to help me hit the high notes." So true. I'm retired now, but I counted on my colleagues to listen and give me a boost when sorely needed. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteLove the Parker Palmer quote that you quoted at the beginning. So glad you were lifted up by your colleagues. It's so great to provide the music for each other when the music doesn't flow. Have a restful and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
ReplyDeleteI can relate to this post. Caring colleagues, sharing the positive with each other, and learning together - valuable, and gives much needed strength and inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI too value my colleagues. They keep me going and remind me of the good when I need to be reminded. :)
ReplyDeleteCommunity is important for it helps us feel connected. I love the quote you shared with all of us. Happy Thanksgiving!